Matt Peterson
July 10, 2024
4 minutes

Demystifying the Reference Price: A Guide for Savvy Energy Consumers

If you’ve ever shopped around for an electricity plan in Australia, you’ve likely come across the term "Reference Price." It might sound technical and a bit daunting, but understanding what it means can be a game-changer in your quest to save on energy costs. So, let's break it down and see how it can help you make better decisions about your electricity plan.

What is the Reference Price?

The Reference Price is essentially a benchmark set by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). It's a standardised price that allows consumers to compare different electricity offers easily. Think of it as the recommended retail price (RRP) for energy plans. The idea is to give you a clear, consistent point of reference to gauge how much you could save (or not) with different plans.

Why Was the Reference Price Introduced?

Before the Reference Price was introduced in July 2019, the energy market was a bit of a Wild West. Retailers used various tactics to make their offers seem more appealing, often leading to confusion and making it hard for consumers to compare plans effectively. The Reference Price aims to cut through this confusion by providing a straightforward, apples-to-apples comparison.

The Catch: Average Usage vs. Your Unique Situation

While the Reference Price is a handy tool, it has a significant limitation: it’s based on the average electricity usage of a typical household within a specific distribution network area. But here’s the thing – no two households are exactly alike. No one fits the average. Your electricity usage is unique, influenced by factors like the size of your home, the number of people living in it, your lifestyle, and even the types of appliances you use.

Imagine two households:

  • Household A: A family of four with a large home, using air conditioning extensively.
  • Household B: A single professional living in a small apartment with minimal electricity use.

Both might see a plan advertised as "10% below the Reference Price." However, Household A could save a lot more than Household B, simply because their higher usage amplifies the savings. Conversely, a plan that's slightly above the Reference Price might be cheaper for Household B due to their lower consumption.

Because the Reference Price is based on this "average" usage, it doesn't always reflect your personal situation accurately.

How Can You Find the Best Plan for Your Unique Usage?

This is where the Reference Price falls short – it doesn't cater to your individual needs. However, there is a better way to find the best-fit plan tailored to your specific usage profile.

Automised Energy: Your Personalised Solution

At Automised Energy, we understand that everyone’s energy usage is unique. Our mission is to take the guesswork out of finding the right electricity plan by analysing your specific usage patterns. Here’s how we do it:

  • Personalised Analysis: We crunch the numbers based on your actual usage data, not some average benchmark. This means our recommendations are tailored specifically to you.
  • Real Savings: We don’t just compare percentages against the Reference Price. We tell you exactly how much you’ll save with each plan, ensuring you make informed decisions.
  • Continuous Optimisation: Energy prices and plans change regularly. Our platform performs automated regular checks to ensure you are always on the best-fit plan. No more worrying about whether there’s a better deal out there – we’ve got you covered.


Understanding the Reference Price is a crucial step in navigating the energy market, but it’s only part of the puzzle. Since it’s based on average usage, it may not accurately reflect your unique situation. That’s why Automised Energy goes beyond the Reference Price, offering personalised, data-driven insights to find the best-fit plan for you. We ensure you know exactly how much you’ll save and keep you on the optimal plan at all times.

Ready to take control of your energy costs? Let Automised Energy be your trusted partner in finding the best energy solutions for your unique needs. Happy savings!

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